Concerned About an Upcoming Surgery? Find Help in PT and OT!
Did you know that rehabilitation is just as important before surgery as it is after? That’s right! Physical and occupational therapy are essential when undergoing surgical correction of a joint or muscle.
Physical therapy has repeatedly been shown to assist people in preparing their bodies for surgery. Prior to surgery, physical therapy can also help with recovery, allowing you to return to full strength as soon as possible after your procedure.
Occupational therapy can also aid in the adjustment to life after surgery by teaching a person new ways to move around their home or workplace.
The first session with a therapist should not be postponed until after your surgery! Preoperative physical therapy, also known as prehab, has been shown to be as effective as postoperative physical therapy.
If you are having a surgical procedure, it is a good idea to discuss your physical therapy options with your surgeon. They can work with your physical therapist to create a quick plan of action to ensure the best possible outcomes during your recovery.
To learn more about the benefits of pre-and post-operative physical and occupational therapy, contact Wise Physical Therapy in Anchorage, AK today.
What are the advantages of prehab?
Pre-surgical physical therapy is intended to help the body regain as much strength as possible in the area surrounding the surgical site, thereby improving the body’s ability to recover after your surgical procedure.
“Prehabilitation allows [a] physical therapist to explain how your joints, ligaments, and muscles work together to create movement,” according to Bone & Joint. “Pre-habilitation also allows your therapist to assess your current range of motion and discuss your post-surgery recovery goals. Some people achieve a greater range of motion or compete at a higher level after surgery and rehabilitation than they did before their injury or condition.”
During prehab, your physical therapist at Wise Physical Therapy will work with you to improve strength and functionality in the areas directly surrounding the targeted injury site. They will also go over your post-operative treatment plan with you and tell you when you can begin exercising and stretching.
Many patients begin physical therapy as soon as they are able to stand, which can be as soon as the next day after surgery. Rest assured that your physical therapist’s goal is never to cause you pain or discomfort, so please let them know if you have any concerns about your treatment.
Prehab is frequently comprised of the following modalities:
- Stretching and mobility exercises
- Muscle building
- Cold and hot therapy
- Massage
What are the advantages of post-surgical rehabilitation?
Many people are unsurprised to learn that physical or occupational therapy may be necessary after surgery. The sooner you begin physical therapy after surgery, the greater the impact it can have on your recovery!
It is usually advised that you discuss your therapy options with your surgeon and therapist prior to surgery so that you can schedule your first post-operative care session as soon as possible after surgery.
After the surgical site’s wound has healed and your body is ready to begin healing the torn tissue or damaged joint, therapy usually begins. Without physical therapy, the corrected tissues, ligaments, tendons, and muscles will stiffen and scar tissue will form. This will limit your range of motion and may cause atrophy, further limiting your comfort and strength in the operated-on area.
Physical therapy after surgery can help you relieve pain, regain strength, and shorten your recovery “downtime.” Your physical therapy program will be customized to your specific needs.
During your initial consultation with your physical therapist, you will discuss the severity of your injury as well as the specifics of your surgical procedure. Following that, your physical therapist will evaluate your range of motion and strength, as well as work with your physician or surgeon to develop the best treatment plan for you.
The most common therapeutic techniques are massage therapy, hot and cold therapy, range of motion/mobility training, and guided stretching and muscle training. Your physical therapist will also give you instructions for home exercises that will help you recover even faster!
Wise Physical Therapy can make you feel better sooner.
Both before and after any type of surgical repair, the recovery period is critical. As soon as you learn about your surgical plans, please contact our Anchorage, AK therapy clinic. To ensure you receive the most comprehensive care possible, one of our skilled physical or occupational therapists will collaborate with you and any other medical professionals involved in your surgery.
We look forward to assisting you in your recovery.