

Physical Therapy

Have you been looking for a solution to your pain? Consider Anchorage,…

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Telehealth Speech Therapy

Are you looking to improve your language and communication skills? Try Anchorage,…

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Speech Therapy Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Telehealth Pediatric Speech Therapy

Speech-Language Pathology for Kids! What Does a Pediatric Speech Therapist Do? Speech…

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Manual Therapy Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment method that is…

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Strain Counter Strain

Reduce & Eliminate Dysfunction in Your Body Fascial Strain Counterstrain is a…

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Myofascial Release Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Myofascial Release

I’ve heard of trigger point therapy before. What is it? Trigger point…

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Graston Technique Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Graston Technique

IASTM is the acronym for instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. It also…

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Therapeutic Exercise Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Therapeutic Exercise

When you say the words “physical therapy” most people automatically assume you…

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Electronic Stimulation Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Electronic Stimulation

What is electrical stimulation? While it may sound a bit intimidating, electrical…

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Kinesio taping Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Kinesio Taping

Kinesio taping has become much more visible in recent years. You have…

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Trigger Point Therapy Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Trigger Point Therapy

I’ve heard of trigger point therapy before. What is it? Trigger point…

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Fall Prevention and Balance Program Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Fall Prevention & Balance Program

Balance and gait disorders can have a seriously negative impact on your…

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Sports Physical Therapy Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Sports Physical Therapy

If you are an adult who likes to participate in weekend sports,…

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diagnostic imaging anchorage ak


Wise Physical Therapy specializes in diagnostic imaging, EMG/NCS (ElectroMyoGraphy / Nerve Conduction Studies)…

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Ultrasound Imaging for Joints Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

Ultrasound Imaging for Joints

MSKUS stands for musculoskeletal ultrasound. It allows you to see inside your body…

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EMG/NCS Electrodiagnostics Anchorage & Elmendorf, Air Force Base, AK

EMG/NCS Electrodiagnostics

EMG stands for Electromyography and NCS stands for Nerve Conduction Studies. The…

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